Gentle destruction. I like that.

The new blurb is great.

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You were a great help! Thank you!

I'm still not 100% in love with the new one, but it feels much stronger than before, for sure!

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oh wow! Your back cover design is gorgeous--I really like how you've used the existing cover with light alterations.

I think the admonition not to create a print book during the actual running of the Derby is because it creates a snafu later with the ISBN; if you want to republish under your own moniker after the Derby is completed, Amazon will give you a lot of grief about the author identity, etc.

(I feel you on wanting to make a print one, though! I am planning to do a print edition after the Derby myself.)

This looks really great, though, and now I am _only more excited_ for it!

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Thanks! I'm actually fine with keeping the pen name (so much easier to be assigned one than to come up with one). All that's left then would be proper credits to the cover artist and designer :)

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that's awesome!! (and yeah I hear you on the name thing--I'm planning to keep mine too!)

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